Free software by Christian Rinderknecht

Makefile for LaTeX documents

The minimum configuration required is a file Makefile.cfg setting the variable TEX with the basename of the LaTeX document to build, that is, the file containing the \documentclass command. Other optional variables are BIB (set to the basename of the BibTeX file), FIG (set to the basenames of the included figures to make from LaTeX), ETC for extra files to be included, etc. If FIG is undefined, the makefile determines automatically the figures to make. See the source code for more.

Put Makefile in the working directory. Tested with Darwin 12.0.0 (OS X Mountain Lion) and Ubuntu (GNU/Linux 3.2.0) systems.

Extracting and pretty-printing from TeX log files

This Bash script parses TeX log files (.log extensions) for warnings and errors and print them in a synthetic way, which helps greatly in understanding where the problems lie. To check what are the required system utilities, run the script with the --debug option. For other options, use --help. Tested with Darwin 12.0.0 (OS X Mountain Lion) and Ubuntu (GNU/Linux 3.2.0) systems.

Download the script.

Incremental and Rotating Backups

This Bash script enables fast incremental and rotating backups, using the method of Mike Rubel. Currently, only backups on the same machine are implemented, but this feature is easy to add. To check what are the required system utilities, run the script with the --debug option. For other options, use --help.

Download the script.

Generic makefile to build OCaml applications

The distribution includes a short user manual and a detailed technical documentation. The GNU makefile requires GNU Make 3.82 or 4.00 and has been tested with Darwin 13.0.0 (OS X Mavericks) and Ubuntu (GNU/Linux 3.2.0 or later) systems, running dash or bash as command shells

Generic makefile to build Caml Light applications

Equivalent in terms of functionalities to the GNU makefile for OCaml applications: see the makefile.

A one-pass parser for ASN.1:1990

This is a complete, one-pass parser for ASN.1:1990, including the infamous macros. The source is written in Caml Light and the distribution contains extensive documentation, as well as a YACC grammar. The underlying LL(1) grammar upon which the Caml Light parser is based has been proved correct and has been reused by the South Western Bell company and adapted in Java for the Cryptix library.

Email me. Last modified 2 November 2013.

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